Construction and engineering complex projects lack mechanisms to control risks in real-time. Multiple tools for project, contract, or documentation management are used, but the industry still lacks solutions to understand data across multiple tools such as Oracle Primavera P6, Autodesk applications, Office 365, or e-mail. Our solutions do not replace any of these tools, they connects to them, obtains relevant data from these different data sources, and merges them to multiply our customers' awareness as well as their capacity to make the right decisions in real-time.
Every construction project is different. Beawre understands this and thus brings solutions that are flexible and 100% configurable to adapt to the needs of each project.
Beawre's solution knows how painful some current processes are. We do not want to contribute to this pain. Our solutions are as non-intrusive as possible. We avoid forcing our customers to change workflows and we implement mechanisms that are transparent to the user and still provide value.
Superhuman Intelligence
Complexity is an inherent aspect of any large contruction and engineering project. Even when you have the most experienced experts in your organization, controlling all the variables in a complex project goes beyond human capacity. This is why we bring 20+ years of experience in managing large amounts of data, using AI techniques, and managing risks to allow the latest advances in technology to complement the highly skilled members in your teams.
Our solutions do not replace your current digital tools. We provide flexible and fully-interoperable solutions that interact with your existing digital ecosystem to get the most out of it. We are experts in digital transformation and we know how long it takes to change culture, methodologies, processes and tools.
We reuse SaaS building blocks to create flexible solutions adapted to our customers needs
We can build new solutions adapted to your needs. We have built software building blocks called Collect, Automate, Control and Learn to build any solution in a fast and cost-effective way, adapted to your needs and always integrated with the digital tools you are using in your digital ecosystem.
Innovation is essential for transformation. Beawre is one of the youngest companies with the largest number of H2020 and HEU, as well as national, Research Projects funded by the EU and the Spanish government. We leverage a network built over decades of research to partner with the leaders in IT industry and the best universities to push the current limits of technology in risk management.
Large construction corporations use many different digital tools to control projects and processes. Documentation management, project management or contract management tools are just three usual examples. Many of these tools become obsolete and do not allow leveraging smart features including advanced analytics or AI. Besides, very often these tools lack interoperability, making it almost impossible to perform any type of transversal analytics.
Even when organizations try to come up with unique digital platforms that include all these tools and solve interoperability issues, large construction sites are usually run by consortia involving different construction companies, and tools may be imposed by the client or other partners in a consortium. Therefore all these issues still persist.
On top of this inefficient digital ecosystem, we execute many different busines processes. Most of the processes in large and complex projects are well documented. Sometimes this happens because you are following the guideline of standard contracts (e.g. FIDIC). Sometimes it happens because your organization has decided to implement strict processes to guarantee quality.
Many of these processes are repetitive and keep repeating in similar ways time after time. Think about the processes to generate, review and approve documentation, non-conformities management, change management or contract management. When these processes do not work well, projects may suffer from very significant budget overruns and delays.
AI by itself may just be a buzzword. From clustering algorithms to the most sophisticated Deep Learning techniques, they all fall under the AI category. We adapt the AI algorithms to each customers needs. For many of our customers, explainability is essential. If they make a decision based on the level of risk they need to understand how this was computed. Some other customers prioritize accuracy over explainability. In other contexts, the amount of data may be large and more sophisticated AI techniques, like transformers, can be used to learn aspects of your ecosystem. In some other cases, less data is available at the beginning and you need to resort to statistical approaches first, and let our solution to automatically switch to more sophisticated options when enough data is available to train better and more accurate models. We have decades of experience in this field, let us help you understand the best approach for you.
We have selected the most relevant and up-to-date technologies to implement our solution and to store and manage data. These technologies include Kubernetes, .NET Core 3.1, React JS, GraphQL, Rx, LinQ, SignalR, AzureSQL database, and ML.NET among others.